I had an opportunity to get together with a couple of my Harley buddies for a short ride today. We met up for coffee with a friend that was unable to join us on the ride. After visiting for awhile the three of us took off to a bistro in north Phoenix for breakfast (it was a welcome change from the typical roadhouse/diner/greasy spoon dives that we usually end up in; someday we’ll talk about the fresh fruit story but I digress).
This was a true artisan bistro/bakery; I’m talking breads, muffins, cookies, cakes, confections…digressing again.
We ordered, got our coffee and took a seat, the table we chose was on the south side of the room and the morning sun was filtering in and casting this beautiful light on an arrangement of flowers that was the centerpiece of the room. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture this interesting image so I took out my camera and started shooting while 50 or so people look at me like I was a little crazy.
I guess the point to this is that we’re surrounded by the opportunities for beautiful photographs every day; we just need to slow down and take a moment to unleash our imagination and enjoy these brief moments of light and life. As long as you’re not interfering with someone’s breakfast or invading their space, let them think you’re crazy, better yet hand them a business card.